heres a little guide to help you on your way.
download from here
BOTSMALL ---- A Professional Global Sub-MMO Bot Service Portal
remember is is a free beta test bot (chances are it will be pay to use soon)
extract file, open rohan bot file.
double click the white finger.
now white finger in tool bar. right click it. start bot auto log in.
look for rohan.exe (in your program folder)
select ok, rohan should start up, with the exception of a few fire walls which make it crash. (just restart bot and all is fine)
in game
HOME = settings (as screens)
END = stops bot
INSERT = starts bot
this parts pretty self explanitary. tick back to center after one attack if your a caster,archer...
this is where you put moster range. eg 1 - 10
HP & MP % is where you chose from the drop down which potions to use and when to use them. (always have pots with you)
escape locations is where you want to run to if too many mobs are on you, your low on hp or what ever.
i usually set this a little distance away from my grind spot.
back to town and options are pretty obvious, select what town you want to go to (make sure you have portal stones)
start training after stop training is the time it will do nothing- eg have a break when killed to many times or botted for too long.
stop training when char died X times is how many times you can die before bot takes a break.
rest of the options are obvious.
pretty much leave most of this alone, excepr the slider bar. which gives you a radious on which to grind from the location you set.
remember to press this always before botting, to make sure its set to where you are, if not youl end up running miles and getting stuck lol.
chose teleport ston if you end up in the wrong area be it death or just bot takes you to the wrong place, it will teleport back using a town portal stone.
remember at each zone to set your bind stone at res points.
obvious here. skill and buff set up.
if your a mage and having dark eyes problem set USE WHEN [ ] steps from monster to [4] and put dark eyes in USE FIRST ELEMENTL SKILL and tick box.
here you can set mobs you dont or do what to kill i dont change this at all.
but in the list of disturbed players is where you put GMs names.
current GMS.
this is where you can chose what items to sell/keep/.. when your bot is in town, very usefull for clearing inv and making some spare cash. (remember storage is in the treasury)
party mode settings, shows who is in the area, party buff options and so on.
this is where yuou set up your buying select from the drop down boxes the type of item you want eg - novice healing potions followed buy how many you want to have the bot buy.
same for arrow and town portal stones. (bot will not buy more than that amount so if you put 25 in box and you have 15 in inv already ot will just buy the extra, not another 25)
this i have coverd most of it, as its all pretty obvious.
is simple run Rohan in window mode. found at the top of the resolution options in O in game.
start acc 1 . right click white finger in toolbar again. start bot auto login and there you go.
(so far i have ahd it running 5 at once on same pc)
when you see "log in to server sucessfull""bot started""bot ended" - it it ONLY you who see's it, no one else